Saturday, 4 April 2020

                      Rheumatic Diseases

                            RHUMATOID  ARTHRITIS

    DEFINATION :Rheumatoid arthritis  (Described in detail for the first time at the end of 18th century)is the most common infflammatory disease of the  joints. It is a systemic disease of young and middle-aged adults characterised by proliferative and destructive change in synovial memberane ,periarticular sheaths. Evenntually joints are destroyed ,fibrosed or ankylosed.It is a widespread vasculitis of the small arterioles.

The Ten Self -help Techniques

  1. positive mental attiude: Patient is told to focus on things other than pain and their own body. They are encouresed to think positively.
  2. Regular medication:Patient is told the value of regular and correct medication.
  3. Regular exercise: Patient should follow a regular and apporopriate execrise programme,most suited for themselves.To imporve the range of motion in arthritic joint, patients are instructed to perform exercise .
  4. Use of joints: Patient is told the value of correct posture and the methods of using the joints wisely to reduced stress on the painful joints.
  5. Energy connservation: Patient are instructed to listen to the body's "inner signals" for the rest. Slowing down and avoiding too many activities reduces the stress and strain on the joints.
  6. Assistive devices: Devices like splints ,braces and walking sticks can help stabilise the joints,provided strength and reduce  pain and inflammation.
  7. Adequate sleep: A good adequate sleep provides rest to the ailling joints and reduces the pain and sweling.
  8. Relaxation Massage: A good moderate massage bring warmth and relives pain due  to arthritis.
  9. Relaxation techniques: It is like Yoga meditation , to relax the muscles, mind and control of pain.
  10. Modification in the daily activities
  • Bath aids and railings.
  • Using western toilets.
  • Long handle broomsticks and mop to clean the floors.
  • Use of walking sticks while walking climbing ,etc.
  • High chairs.
  • Avoid squatting on the ground for food ,etc
    Use of dinning table and chairs are recommended.
      To avoid squeezing clothes after washing and just rinsing them dry.
    • To avoid walking on hard and uneven and rough surfaces.
    • To sleep on a hard surface.

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