Rheumatic Diseases
DEFINATION :Rheumatoid arthritis (Described in detail for the first time at the end of 18th century)is the most common infflammatory disease of the joints. It is a systemic disease of young and middle-aged adults characterised by proliferative and destructive change in synovial memberane ,periarticular sheaths. Evenntually joints are destroyed ,fibrosed or ankylosed.It is a widespread vasculitis of the small arterioles.
The Ten Self -help Techniques
- positive mental attiude: Patient is told to focus on things other than pain and their own body. They are encouresed to think positively.
- Regular medication:Patient is told the value of regular and correct medication.
- Regular exercise: Patient should follow a regular and apporopriate execrise programme,most suited for themselves.To imporve the range of motion in arthritic joint, patients are instructed to perform exercise .
- Use of joints: Patient is told the value of correct posture and the methods of using the joints wisely to reduced stress on the painful joints.
- Energy connservation: Patient are instructed to listen to the body's "inner signals" for the rest. Slowing down and avoiding too many activities reduces the stress and strain on the joints.
- Assistive devices: Devices like splints ,braces and walking sticks can help stabilise the joints,provided strength and reduce pain and inflammation.
- Adequate sleep: A good adequate sleep provides rest to the ailling joints and reduces the pain and sweling.
- Relaxation Massage: A good moderate massage bring warmth and relives pain due to arthritis.
- Relaxation techniques: It is like Yoga meditation , etc.help to relax the muscles, mind and control of pain.
- Modification in the daily activities
- Bath aids and railings.
- Using western toilets.
- Long handle broomsticks and mop to clean the floors.
- Use of walking sticks while walking climbing ,etc.
- High chairs.
- Avoid squatting on the ground for food ,etcUse of dinning table and chairs are recommended.
- To avoid walking on hard and uneven and rough surfaces.
- To sleep on a hard surface.